Can the supply of medicines in Ireland be improved?

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Elizabeth Anwo, Ifeoluwa
Issue Date
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
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This dissertation aims to examine the complex dynamics of the pharmaceutical supply chain in the Republic of Ireland, and the potential for improving accessibility and availability of medicines in the country. Many countries in the world have been impacted by the COVID19 pandemic, among other challenges. Ireland inclusive seeks to ensure its citizens are provided with an efficient, reliable and resilient supply chain that produces medications in a timely manner.

This study employs a comprehensive mixed-methods approach utilizing quantitative and qualitative analysis for the primary research. The use of questionnaire surveys and interviews to fully grasp the state of medicine supply in the Republic of Ireland and feasible recommendations for improvement of the supply chain.

The research examines and identifies the essential stakeholders within the pharmaceutical supply chain and their roles. The various stakeholders of the pharmaceutical supply chain include manufacturers, wholesalers, healthcare providers, and regulatory bodies. The dynamics of each stakeholder vary according to the regulations in the Republic of Ireland.

The study further examines the factors that influence the supply of medicines in Ireland. These factors include regulatory frameworks, logistics, pricing mechanisms, procurement practices, and external influencers such as manufacturers, the market like other EU nations and international bodies.

The study also observed external factors that influence the supply of medicines in Ireland through the analysis and evaluation of existing literature. The research reveals bottlenecks, weaknesses and inefficiencies that contribute to shortages of medicines and disruptions in drug distribution caused by supply chain issues.

The dissertation further delves into best practices, mitigations and methods that potentially improve the supply of medicines in Ireland. The observance of best practices from case studies was gleaned on, and insights highlighted to better improve Ireland’s supply chain. The measures and strategies gleaned include transparency among stakeholders, better supplier relationships, collaborative measures among stakeholders, including demand forecasts, innovative technologies, better transportation, better regulatory procedures and pricing rates.

Finally, the aim of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Irish pharmaceutical supply chain. The complexity of the supply chain requires thorough exploration, because it is dependent on many variables. The research reveals the use of an adaptable, resilient and flexible set of methodologies, such as innovations, pricing rates and reimbursement. This dissertation also essentially contributes to the resilient pharmaceutical supply chain industry in Ireland.

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