End User Agreement

Agreement for authors submitting work to the Innopharma Education Repository


I would like to deposit my material in the Innopharma Education Repository. Research referred to below as "Work" is covered by this agreement and when I deposit my work personally or through an agent, I agree to the following:


Rights granted to the Innopharma Education Repository through this agreement are entirely non-exclusive. I am free to publish this Work in its present or future versions elsewhere.

I agree that Innopharma Education Repository may electronically store, copy or translate the Work to any medium or format for the purpose of future preservation and accessibility. Innopharma Education is not under any obligation to reproduce or display the Work in the same formats or resolutions in which it was originally deposited.

DEPOSIT IN THE Innopharma Education Repository

I understand that the Work deposited in this repository will be freely available on the web, allowing further redistribution of the material under a Creative Commons licence. I understand that once the Work is deposited metadata may be deposited in public access catalogues. This citation to the Work will always remain visible, although the author retains the right to update the work. Removal of the item can be made after discussion with the repository administrators.


That I have the authority of the authors to make this agreement and by doing so, give Innopharma Education the right to make the Work available on the World Wide Web.

That I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the Work is original and does not to the best of my knowledge breach any laws including defamation, libel and copyright. However, in the event of a dispute in this area I agree that the Work will be removed from the Innopharma Education Repository until the matter is resolved.

Innopharma Education does not hold any obligation to take legal action on behalf of the Depositor or other rights holders, in the event of breach of intellectual property rights, or any other rights in the material deposited.


Material in the repository is licensed under Creative Commons licences. The default licence is the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence although other CC licenses can also be chosen.

Copies of full items generally can be used for personal research/study, educational or not for profit purposes without prior permission, however, you must provide the appropriate attribution. Mention of the Innopharma Education Repository will be appreciated but is not obligatory. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.


The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor. Innopharma Education is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of information posted to the repository.

If there is a query regarding copyright violation, the relevant work will be removed while the matter is investigated further.