Optimising dog anthelmintic selection and worming protocols for use in Ireland
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This dissertation relates to the use of anthelmintics for dogs in Ireland and the optimisation of the dosage type and protocols. It outlines the most common helminths found in dogs in Ireland as identified by subject matter experts (for the purpose of this research, the subject matter experts were chosen to be veterinarians). It outlines a series of factors which may be influencing pet owner compliance with anthelmintic dosing protocols. It also identifies the most suitable anthelmintic dosing protocol as advised by veterinarians. Recommendations for the most suitable anthelmintic dosage form are provided through surveys with dog owners and interviews with veterinarians. This dissertation was focused on dogs, dog owners and veterinarians working in Ireland. A mixed methodology method was used in this research. 202 surveys were conducted with dog owners and 12 interviews were carried out with veterinarians. The mixed methodology allowed for the combination of qualitative and quantitative data to be gathered for this research topic to get an understanding of the pet owners views in combination with veterinarian’s experience and knowledge. Roundworms were identified as the most common helminth present in dogs in Ireland. A clear lack of public awareness surrounding anthelmintic use, anthelmintic resistance and zoonosis was identified through this research. Based on the findings of this research, there is a need for improved public awareness surrounding the topic mentioned above. This could be done through various avenues such as infographics in public parks or through social media campaigns and various other methods. Secondly, a desire for improved regulation and control over the sale of anthelmintics for dogs in Ireland was identified during the interviews with veterinarians. This research provides valuable insights into Irish dog owners knowledge surrounding anthelmintic use, it identifies pet owners most preferable anthelmintic dosage form which could aid in providing improved pet owner compliance with dosing protocols. The most common helminth present in dogs in Ireland was also successfully identified and the most suitable anthelmintic, dosing method and protocols were also identified.