Food Literacy: The Link Between School-Based Food Literacy and Dietary Patterns in Young Adulthood

dc.contributor.authorScur, Isabella
dc.description.abstractIn response to Ireland's high rates of overweight and obesity, this thesis examines the urgent need to integrate food literacy into the school curriculum. The significant prevalence of these health issues both in Ireland and across Europe highlights the necessity for a comprehensive educational approach that empowers individuals to make informed and healthy dietary choices from an early age. This research is based on a survey conducted in May 2024, involving 99 young adults aged 19 to 24. The survey explored their attitudes and perceptions regarding food literacy, dietary habits, food label knowledge, and motivations behind their food choices, and what they had learned about food in school. The findings indicate a noticeable willingness among participants to embrace food literacy within the curriculum. Participants identified several key motivators for supporting food literacy in schools, including public health concerns, and the cultivation of responsible and mindful eating habits. A significant portion expressed a desire for a more comprehensive understanding of nutrition, food labels, food components and, the long-term consequences of dietary choices. The survey also revealed barriers to understanding food labels, highlighting the need for higher consumer education efforts. In conclusion, the results underscore the importance of incorporating food literacy into school curriculums as a proactive measure to address the challenges of overweight and obesity and the diseases that they can cause. Implementing targeted educational campaigns, policy advocacy, and curriculum development focused on food education can significantly contribute to the promotion of healthier lifestyles, sustainable food practices, and overall population well-being in Ireland. This thesis advocates for policymakers to prioritize food literacy in schools, recognizing its pivotal role in shaping the future health and economic sustainability of the nation.
dc.titleFood Literacy: The Link Between School-Based Food Literacy and Dietary Patterns in Young Adulthood
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