A case study evaluating healthcare professionals’ generic prescribing practices in a single medical institution in Nigeria

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Mariam Akinlabi, Wuraola
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Healthcare systems worldwide are influenced by the practices and decisions of healthcare professionals, especially in relation to their prescription practices. This case study explores the prescribing practices of healthcare professionals withing a single medical institution in Nigeria. The study aims to assess the level to which generic prescribing practices are embraced,

considering the effects on healthcare affordability, accessibility, and overall patient care. The increased healthcare expenditures, and patients access to essential treatments, has caused the adoption of generic medications as a strategy to reduce these challenges. Generic

medicines are pharmacologically equivalent alternatives to branded medicines. This investigation takes place within the distinctive context of the healthcare scenario in Nigeria, including its economic diverseness, and evolving regulatory landscape. The scope of this study was confined to a singular medical institution, with diverse health professionals by diving into the prescribing practices, and further into the factors that may influence generic

prescribing decisions. The research methodology that was appropriate for this research Is the quantitative research approach, and this research incorporated a survey method that utilized an online survey

questionnaire to obtain information from participants. The estimated sample size for this survey was 100, with the main target of healthcare professionals being general/medical physician and pharmacists. The response rate obtained for the duration of data collection is 64%, with 53 being general/medical physicians, and 11 pharmacists across various departments in the University College Hospital Ibadan Nigeria.

The findings from this study did not only contribute to the existing body of knowledge on prescription practices and patterns, but also offer insights to healthcare policy makers, administrators and practitioners to improve the current quality care given to patients, while also addressing the factors that influences their generic prescribing choices. The result of this study showed that majority of participants had knowledge on the therapeutic equivalence of generic medicines and branded medicines, and majority were also familiar with the factors that may be influencing their generic prescribing decisions.

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